Lawyers for Eminent Domain Proceedings in Illinois

Attorneys Protecting the Rights of Property Owners
At Sosin, Arnold & Schoenbeck Ltd., we work on behalf of property owners of all types facing eminent domain concerns. Our skilled attorneys understand that it can be overwhelming when the government approaches you regarding the sale or possible taking of your property. You have rights concerning your property, and we can help you exercise them.
Understanding Eminent Domain
Government entities have been statutorily granted the power of eminent domain, which means that government can attempt to take ownership of a property that is needed for a public project, including roadway improvements, utility service extensions, new schools, or airport expansions. In doing so, the owner of the property must be justly compensated.
The attorneys at Sosin, Arnold & Schoenbeck Ltd. are equipped to assist property owners that are the subject of an eminent domain case. By taking the time to get to know our clients and to listen carefully to their needs, we are able to gain a full understanding of the factors at work in a given case. This also gives us insight regarding what would constitute a favorable outcome for the client.
Legal Counsel for Eminent Domain Matters
An eminent domain case may begin with a casual in-person visit to the property or a notice in the mail letting the property owner know that a government entity is potentially interested in acquiring the property in question. The only way to halt the process completely is to show that the government does not actually need the land, which can be an extremely difficult undertaking. If there is a viable alternative for the government's project that does not involve taking your property, our lawyers are equipped to help you find it. From there, we will negotiate with the appropriate government entities to explore other possibilities.
Once it has been determined that your property is needed, you are entitled to just compensation. At Sosin, Arnold & Schoenbeck Ltd., we will fight hard to ensure you receive appropriate compensation for your property. At our law firm, we are familiar with the necessary steps and will advocate on your behalf throughout the process.
Learn More
If you have questions about the government's power of eminent domain, contact our office. We can help you find the answers you need. Call 708-448-8141 for an appointment at Sosin, Arnold & Schoenbeck Ltd.